Harvard College Public Service Program


Public service organizations with volunteer needs this winter are invited to participate in Harvard's January Winternship program, organized by Harvard's Center for Public Interest Careers.  It only takes a few minutes to complete our online Winternship posting form, found at http://bit.ly/2c2gxlm


Past volunteers have worked on research projects, curriculum development, planning field trips, developing social media outreach, writing donor thank you notes, and providing direct services to clients and constituents.  If you have any questions about this program, please contact Travis Lovett, Director of the Center for Public Interest Careers (CPIC), at tlovett@fas.harvard.edu.




Travis Lovett

Director, Center for Public Interest Careers (CPIC) at Harvard College

Phillips Brooks House, Room 307

Cambridge, MA  02138


tlovett@fas.harvard.edu // 617.495.1842 (direct) // www.cpic.fas.harvard.edu