Join fellow alumni from Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, U-Penn / Wharton and Yale...


Thursday, August 25, 2022
6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Art of The World Gallery
2201 Westheimer Road
Houston, TX 77098


Enjoy great artwork over cocktails and lite bites at the All Ivy Summer Social.

Your advance registration is always appreciated.  For everyone's comfort and safety, the organizers have limited space to the All Ivy Social, so please avoid disappointment and register in advance.  Registration closes on August 23 at noon, or sooner if we reach full capacity.


Yale Club (Sterling, Harkness Patron & Levin Patron) and HUCH Supporting Members attend FREE - See below.

(you must be an Ivy alum or guest of Ivy alum, to attend this event)

On-line registration closes on Tuesday, August 23rd, or sooner if full capacity limit is met.

$25.00 - - Ticket for All Ivy Alumni
N/C - - HUCH Supporting Members (click HERE to rsvp)
N/C - - YALE Supporting Members (YC Supporting members click HERE to rsvp)
$40.00 - - Walk-in tickets, if available

Click HERE to register.