HARVARD Annual Meeting & Picnic 2022
A Harvard Summer Social.
Help us welcome our new admits &
give Class of 2026 a great send off to Harvard!

A Fun, Casual, Harvard Club Picnic for all Harvard Alums!
Enjoy a great summer afternoon at the beautiful Forest Club with fellow alumni and friends. All Harvard alumni are invited, including their children! Attend the picnic and help us welcome our new admits and their families and give Class of 2026 a great send off to Harvard!
On-line registration is now closed. For tickets & to check availability, email us at HClubHouston@att.net.
New Admits attend FREE!
Supporting Club members attend FREE, only if they RSVP in advance.
Cancellations are accepted with a 48 hour written notice to HClubHouston@att.net.
We continue to follow Covid guidelines and encourage guests to wear a mask at Harvard Club events when not eating of drinking.
For everyone's protection, please do not attend if you have not been vaccinated at least two weeks prior to the picnic.
The Club is only as good as its members: click 'HERE' and join us today. Membership runs from January 1 to December 31.
SPECIAL - Join or Renew before the picnic at a Supporting Level & your Harvard Club membership will be good through all of 2023, plus new members attend the picnic and some other events FREE!
For questions or concerns, or if you want to check your membership status, email your inquiry to HClubHouston@att.net