The Book Club does not meet in December. Please mark your calendar and join us in the new year on Sunday, January 12th from 2 to 4 PM at the next Houston Harvard Alumni Book Club. The book selection is 'Things Fall Apart' by Chinua Achebe. The January Book Club hostess is fellow alumna Laura Davis and the location/address will be shared via email with registrants after they sign up. The club is open to all Harvard alumni and their guests and there is no cost to attend!
Book Selected for January 2020

If possible, please RSVP your attendance at the link below no later than Friday, January 10, 2020 - that allows us time to send you the location / address. Book Club registrants will be sent the address in a separate email. Our hostess, Laura Davis, will provide refreshments and if you are inspired to bring your favorite snack, dip or dessert to share, please do so (but no obligation at all). Just come to Book Club in the new year and enjoy a discussion with others who enjoy books and literature! You will be in the right place! For questions, contact Laura at LauraHDavis@comcast.net. Our goal is to pick more books and meet once a month for a fun and informative get together.
Make this new Harvard Book Club distincly yours - click BOOK CLUB to RSVP today and we will see you in January!