You Are Invited to the Next YOUNG IVY ALUMNI MIXER
Monday, November 18, 2019
6 PM
La Grange
2517 Ralph St.
Houston, TX 77006
You are invited to attend the next Ivy League Mixer on Monday, November 18th. We will meet at La Grange, located in the heart of Montrose at 2517 Ralph Street! La Grange has a huge patio bar with craft beer, cocktails and a shuffleboard too! They also specialize in coastal Mexican food in case you get hungy! Weather permitting, look for the All Ivy Alumni Group in the terrace bar area. Otherwise, the group will be indoors, nice and cozy!
There is no charge to attend, but we ask that you please RSVP at the link below so we have a headcount. The 'Click Here' button below will redirect you to an outside Eventbrite link where you can register your attendance.
Click HERE to RSVP
Come out and have a cold beer! See you on the 18th at La Grange!