Hello Harvard University Club of Houston community:
Our friends from HBS asked that we help spread the word about the HBS Houston Alumni Angels' October 24th event 'Successful Angel Investing' at the offices of Simpson Thacher.
NOTE: *All HBS Club members are automatically Angels members (HBS alumni must join the HBS Club
to be Angels members).
* Any non HBS Harvard alumni are eligible to join the Houston Alumni Angels for $5.
Please see below for more details.

Successful Angel Investing, a primer for individuals on investing in early stage companies.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
6 to 9 PM
LOCATION: the offices of Simpson Thacher
600 Travis, Ste. 5400
Houston, TX 77002
Click HERE to Register.
You will be redirected to the HBS website event page where you can purchase tickets.
'Harvard University Club of Houston'
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If you want to check your membership status, email your inquiry to HClubHouston@att.net
The Club is only as good as its members: click 'HERE' and join us today and your membership benefits begin immediately.
For questions or assistance, contact us at HClubHouston@att.net